Supporting Thomas Memorial Library Now


and for generations to come


The Board of the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation (TMLF) has identified four key priorities to accomplish its mission. Based on these priorities, we have opportunities for volunteers to serve as a TMLF Board Director or to volunteer for short term projects.

  1. Providing financial support for TML programs, services, staff development and equipment not covered by the town and proposed by the library director.
    1. This primarily focuses on the successful implementation of the annual appeal, naming rights in the renovated library, grants, and planned giving.
    2. Also, this includes a process for the Library Director to request funds for special programs, staff continuing education, and special equipment needs.
  2. Communicating with donors and the public on the benefits their donations deliver. We are exploring new ways to tell the stories of how the library makes a difference to both library patrons and the community.
  3. Long-term funding for future building needs. We are building an endowment to help on the next major capital need and to provide on-going support for library programs. A portion of the annual appeal funds goes into the foundation’s endowment.
  4. Recruiting new TMLF Directors. We are implementing a strategic recruiting process with clear priorities. We are looking for people who are both passionate about our library and have the experience and skills needed to implement our priorities. Most new Directors first become volunteers on one of our committees and then are nominated to join the board.


Passion, Time or Wealth? Do you need to be wealthy and willing to donate a minimum amount? NO. We are interested in both people who can contribute to the work of the committees and are willing to serve as officers or committee chairs and those who are able to donate larger amounts and help fund raising with their peers. The Foundation is looking for people who are passionate about the library and want to help make it one of the best in Maine.

If you are a board member, you need to be able to attend at least four out of our six regular meeting. The meetings are held in the months of January, March, May, July, and September. In November, we move it up to the week before or after Thanksgiving. Board members are also expected to serve on one of the committees.

Legal Skills related to Non-Profits: The Foundation has never had any legal trouble. But sometimes there are questions about the bylaws and what is permissible within IRS, state and town rules. So we would welcome an attorney with legal skills related to non-profits (or a lawyer who is willing to learn.

Marketing and Technology Skills: The Foundation has a Outreach committee to educate the community on how the funds donated are used and ways that the library is benefiting the community. Experience and skills in marketing communications and digital marketing are needed. There are opportunities on this for both volunteers for specific short-run projects.

Fund Raising: Naturally, we can use people with experience and skills in fund raising, whether that is through annual appeals, capital campaigns, special events, seeking grants, or planned giving. There are opportunities to contribute here either as a Board member or as a volunteer.

Ad Hoc Committee Members: In addition to the standing committees we sometimes have special needs that require attention and would benefit from special skills or interests. If you would like to be on our list to contact when these opportunities arise, let us know.

Board Officers: Several of our committees and officer roles primarily require passion for helping the library more than any specific skills. For example, the President, Vice President, Secretary’s role require more time, passion, and interpersonal skills but not specific technical skills. The officers are Board positions and generally have served on one or more Foundation committees. But this is not a formal requirement and sometimes demonstrated experience and skills in prior nonprofits factor in.


The Thomas Memorial Library Committee advises the Library Director of library needs and on the quality and scope of the services provided by the Thomas Memorial Library. They advocate for adequate support and assist in the formulation of policy. The Library Committee has seven members who are local citizens, appointed by the Town Council; each serves a three-year term. The TML Foundation role is to raise funds for projects and programs which the Library Director determines are needed based on the input and advice of the Library staff and the TML Committee.


Contact us via email


Volunteer and Recruitment Committee,

Thomas Memorial Library Foundation,
6 Scott Dyer Road,
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

with your name, contact information and the way you would like to help and we’ll be in touch.
Or contact any one of the current members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

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