Thomas Memorial library Foundation Logo

Supporting Thomas Memorial Library Now

Capital Campaign

and for generations to come



Thomas Memorial Library interior view, Capital Campaign, displaying book shelves and tables

Photo donated by Brian Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Photo, Portland, Maine

In 2014-15, the TML Foundation raised $720,000 to purchase the furniture, computers, other equipment and fixtures in the renovated library. The initial gift was $100,000 from the Foundation that came from savings from the earlier annual appeals. The other $620,000 was from generous donations by the library’s friends and supporters. This campaign was led by Beverly Sherman, Frank Governali, Joel Bassett, and Ed Nadeau with coaching from Blaine Grimes.

Each year, the TML Foundation raises funds through an annual appeal of Cape Elizabeth residents and friends to help cover the program, staff education, and special equipment needs that are not already covered by the town’s budget.

In 2018, the Foundation purchased a new, custom-built book display shelf for the main floor.

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